Brand: ADA
For better disease resistance
Inhibits the growth of blue-green algae
For prevention as well as for acute infestation
Dosage 1 drop daily per 20 l aquarium water to prevent diseases. In case of blue-green algae infestation, apply 1ml directly to the affected areas.
Brand: ADA
As the substrate cannot make a fresh start right after the set up, it is important to prepare the substrate in a nearly perfect condition at time of the initial aquarium set up.
Pack contains following ADA substarte additives in individual packets inside and recommended to sprinkle the ADA Super ..
Brand: API
Model: SKU001187
MELAFIX smoothes the transition from store to home by reducing the risk of your fish developing a disease. The fish you bought may already carry a disease. Disease is often difficult to detect, particularly in its early stages. To treat these fish and reduce the risk of contaminating other fish u..
Brand: API
Model: SKU00330
API 5 in 1 Aquarium Test Strips
In order for fish to thrive, water conditions in the aquarium need to be the same or very similar to those found in nature.
This kit measures 5 of the most important aquarium conditions.
Improper levels can cause fish stress, which can lead..
Brand: API
The API ammonia test kit measures ammonia to help prevent fish loss.
The API ammonia test kit is a mercury-free, salicylate test for fresh and saltwater fish, and levels ammonia levels from 0 to 8 ppm
Ammonia test kit, API ammonia test kit, API test kit
Ammonia is the number one killer of tropic..
Brand: API
Model: SKU00878
Easily and accurately measure the water conditions in your aquarium
Scientifically accurate for professional results
Includes free colour wallchart, riveted colour cards and glass test tubes
Kit includes over 800 tests
For freshwater aquariums
The Freshwater Master Test Kit tests the pa..
Brand: API
Model: SKU00025
API Freshwater pH Test Kit
Aquarium Owner must have
Monitors pH to maintain healthy freshwater conditions
Fast, easy and accurate
Reads pH 6.0-7.6
Follow API Easy Care Guide and use the pH TEST KIT:
During Regular Care
When addressing Water ..
Brand: API
Model: SKU00169
API PIMAFIX® 118ml Treats Fungal infections | Exp: 05/2019
Extracted from west indian bay tree
All natural, antifungal remedy for the treatment of fish disease.
Alter the pH, or discolour water.
Pimafix will not adversely affect the biological filter.
Pimafix rapidly treats fungu..
Brand: API
Reduces fish stress and heals damaged tissue, torn fins, and skin wounds
Replaces the natural secretion of slime that is interrupted by handling, shipping, fish fighting, or other forms of stress
Reduces susceptibility to disease and infection
Use when starting a new aquarium, adding or changing wat..
Model: SKU001471
Designed to be added to the water column
Recommended dosage is 1 packet for a 2 feet aquarium.
For optimum results, use along with API BIO-MEDIA.
Activates the effective micro-organisms by getting into the filter media and substrate.
When its is added to the water ..
Brand: Aquatic Remedies
Bind toxic ammonia and nitrite compounds and inactivate them
Makes water safe for all living organism in aquarium
Removes Odor
Keeps Water clean
Bio Nature concepts
Safe for plant & invertebrate
Product description:
The high active Yucca plant extracts bind toxic ammon..
Brand: Aquatic Remedies
Reduce and stabilize ph, for freshwater use only
Safe to use with all aquatic animals
Do not increase more than 0
Dosage - 10 ml / 50 litre
Product description
Reduce and stabilize ph. Safe to use with all aquatic animals. Do not increase more than 0. 2 Ph each time of application.
Product Size: 100..