A marine aquarium is a type of an aquarium where the marine plants and animals are contained in a specific environment. There is a huge difference when compared to the marine aquariums to our traditional fish tanks. The usual fish only tanks heavily relies on mechanical and chemical filtration process. When it comes to the marine aquarium the filtration is achieved by using a specific compound which releases nitrogen waste metabolizing bacteria, which triggers the natural biological filtration process.
Go to our online store where you can find different types of marine aquariums for sale. Please get in touch with our expert customer services reps to understand whether COD option is available on these products.
Model: SKU00346
Elos Potassium Test Kit| Sufficient for 50 tests | Marine Tank
* Quality Italian-made test kit for measuring aquarium potassium levels
* Lab quality colorimetric aquarium test kit boasts precision & ease of use
* 3-point check system addresses areas where aquarium testing error can occur
* Quali..
Brand: Ocean Free
Model: SKU00123
Aragonite Reef Sand | 5/10/20kg Loose Pack | for Marine Aquarium
Aragonite Reef Sand is an ideal, natural substrate for marine, reef, and african cichlid aquariums.This pristine ocean sand helps create a natural biological and mineral balance while promoting the overall health of fish and invertebr..
Brand: Ocean Free
Model: SKU00250
Aragonite Reef Sand | Loose Pack | for Marine Aquarium
Aragonite Reef Sand is an ideal, natural substrate for marine, reef, and african cichlid aquariums.This pristine ocean sand helps create a natural biological and mineral balance while promoting the overall health of fish and invertebrates.
Brand: Ocean Free
Ocean Free Marine Reef Rock Sand | Loose Pack | 10 kg | for Marine Aquarium
Marine Reef Sand is an ideal, natural substrate for marine, reef, and african cichlid aquariums.This pristine ocean sand helps create a natural biological and mineral balance while promoting the overall health of fish and i..
Model: SKU00339
Salifert Calcium Test Kit | Sufficient for 100 tests | Marine Tank
Salifert Calcium Test Kit Information:
Calcium Profi-Test Kit
Calcium is a major constituent of coralline algae, the skeletal material of hard corals and the skeletal needles of soft/leather corals. In many cases too low a calci..
Model: SKU00342
Salifert Copper Test Kit| Sufficient for 50 tests | Marine Tank
Salifert Copper Profi-Test
Copper is often used as a treatment for parasite infested fish and it is essential that the correct concentration is used as too high levels can be toxic to marine fish and invertebrates.
Tap water can al..
Model: SKU00126
Salifert Nitrate Test Kit | Sufficient for 50+ tests | Marine Tank
Nitrate Profi-Test:
When there are insufficient areas of a tank which are deprived of oxygen (anaerobic zones) or denitrification is not taking place properly, nitrate will build up. This can also happen in an aquarium where t..
Model: SKU00130
Salifert Nitrite Test Kit | Sufficient for 50 tests | Marine Test Kit
Salifert Nitrite Profi-Test
In a properly cycled aquarium, nitrite is converted to nitrate and then, if there are areas deprived of oxygen such as in live rock and other filter materials, this nitrate is converted back to nit..
Model: SKU00129
Salifert PH Test Kit | Sufficient for 50 tests | Marine Tank
Salifert pH Profi-Test
The pH value in a marine tank has a major impact on the growth of corals and calcareous algae and on many biological processes. The pH should not be allowed to fluctuate more than approx. 0.2 units during any 24..
Model: SKU00132
Salifert Potassium Test Kit | 50+ tests | Professional Marine Potasium Test Kit
Potasium Profi-Test:
Salifert Potassium Test Kit Potassium concentration in natural seawater is approximately 400 ppm.Many aquarists have reported that a low potassium value Will reduces colors in corals. This can be ..
Model: SKU00128
Salifert Profi -Test Kit – Phospate | Marine Tank Test Kit for Phosphate
If phosphate is present in too high a concentration there may be an increase in growth of undesirable algae and if the phosphate level is higher than 0.04 mg/L the growth rate of corals and calcareous algae may decrease b..
Model: SKU00127
Salifert Profi-Test Kit – Silicate| Sufficient for 60 tests | Marine Tank
Salifert Profi-Test Kit – Silicate
Allows you to accurately test for levels of silicates in your aquarium, of which high levels can spell problems for your aquarium systems. Test today to avoid problems in the near future.