Water Treatment Products and Digital Gadgets Bound to Help Your Fishes

Maintaining a suitable environment for your fish is far trickier than you can imagine. And if you’re beginning to embark on this hobby . . .well . . .you've got your work cut out for you! But do not stress out too much. After all, we are here for you! In this blog, we will talk about various water treatment and monitoring products that help conserve appropriate water conditions and let your fishes live happily in them. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it.

1.      Seachem Stability - Live Bacteria | Water Treatment | Fresh & Saltwater

Seachem’s Stability is a one-of-a-kind product destined to shine greatness everywhere! And no, I am not joking. It quickly formulates an aquarium biofilter in freshwater aquariums, thereby preventing a fish’s death through the NEW Tank Syndrome. 

It comprises strains of a symbiotic blend of anaerobic, aerobic, and facultative bacteria that work together to maintain the aquarium's environment. Thanks to its unique genetic engineering, Stability’s bacteria can function over broad temperatures, pH, and organic loads. Therefore, successfully ensuring that the water treatment scheme proves flawless.

2.      Seachem AmGuard | Freshwater Saltwater water conditioner

The AmGuard variant of Seachem Stability works as a water conditioner for freshwater and saltwater marine life. Its unique composition enables it to detoxify ammonia within the tank for up to 72 hours without degradation!  Its functionality does not alter the pH. And the harmless products released get filtered through the biofilter. As an emergency and a longtime solution, Stability’s AmGuard conditioner is the best water treatment solution you have!

3.       TDS Digital Pen Type Thermometer 

Amongst the many factors to control once you have embarked on your fish-keeping journey, routinely checking your tank water’s temperature is crucial. And the best way to quickly and accurately do so is by using a TDS Digital Pen Type thermometer.

Along with showing flexibility with any type of water, the thermometer’s specific shape enhances its portability. And apart from its external profile, it works well within a range of 0~99°C or 32~212°F. Since it is factory-calibrated, you need not worry about its tuning. It has an accuracy of ± 1"C and ± 2"F, with an automatic shutoff and temperature compensation.

4.      SUNSUN Digital Thermometer | WDJ-05

SUNSUN’s WDJ-05 digital thermometer is a phenomenal masterpiece loaded with intricate specifications. It is wireless and has a probe that consistently measures your tank's temperature. And, like the one shown before, the WDJ-05 works wonderfully in salt and freshwater. Thus, increasing its flexibility and portability as part of a water treatment facility in different types of fish aquariums.

It has a suction cup designed to offer easy installation wherever you would prefer. And you will not find yourself complaining about any leakage problems thanks to its sealed body. The display itself is elegant and simplistic, avoiding any possible confusion for new users. In a nutshell, it is the perfect thermometer for aquarists to monitor their tanks' temperatures. 

These products do not end here. At Beena Aquarium, we provide solutions that far exceed your expectations. Gander upon our never-ending list of water treatment supplies and buy exactly what you need!