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Brand: Ocean Free
Reduce organic debris (B.O.D) and improves water clarity. Digests organic sediments at a control rate.
Greatly reduces the need for changing water. Controls and eliminates stubborn algae. Lower pond/tank scum and odour.
Solves green water problem naturally.
Can be use for old and new tank/pond.
Brand: Ocean Free
This product will perform special de-nitrification effect
Breaks down large complex organic compounds quickly and effectively
Controls odour while reducing the after effects of fish waste and uneaten rotten food
Solve green water and algae problems while also preventing fish diseases
More effect..
Brand: Ocean Free
Treats dropsy, ulcer, tail rot, fin rot, blood streaks, neon tetra disease, cloudy eyes and bacteria related diseases
Reduce pathogenic factors
Assist in nitrifying bacteria growth
An ideal water conditioner and stabilizer
Larger range of safety density with no side effects
Suitable for all fis..
Brand: Ocean Free
Model: SKU00308
Ocean Free Nana Tara Roll Large (2 Pieces) | Bacteria Bio Home Roll | 350g approx.
Aquarium Filter Media - NANO TARO ROLL - Bio Home Roll - A Special filter media with extra spores for bacteria to host on it. It is suitable for marine and fresh water aquarium to produce enormous beneficial bacteria..
Brand: Ocean Free
Model: SKU00161
Ocean Free | Super Battle Bacteria 8000 - (Liquid type)
Using innovative technology preserving live bacteria in liquid form.
Bacteria will be activated only after releasing into the water.
Those live bacteria are in their hibernating stage during the storage period. Do not need ..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00141
Seachem - Stability
Stability® will rapidly and safely establish the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and marine systems, thereby preventing the #1 cause of fish death: "new tank syndrome".Stability® is formulated specifically for the aquarium and contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobi..