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Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00037
eachem Flourish Iron - Water Treatment ( 250ml)
Flourish Iron is a highly concentrated (10,000 mg/L) ferrous iron gluconate supplementit should be used in those case where the iron requirements exceed that which can be delivered
Flourish at the recommended dose or signs of iron deficiency appear (s..
Brand: Seachem
Phosphorus supplement for the planted aquarium
4500 mg/L blend of phosphorus sources
Enhance red color in plant
SEACHEM Flourish Phosphorus
Flourish Phosphorus™ is a safe solution (4500 mg/L phosphate) of potassium phosphate that takes the guess work out of phosphate dosing. Unlike competing produ..
Brand: Seachem
Gravel bed supplement for the planted aquarium
Provides micro elements, trace elements and other nutrients
Targets root zone
Flourish Tabs™ are growth stimulating tablets for plant roots. They contain essential trace elements, amino acids, and vitamins. They are rich in iron, manganese, magnes..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00080
Seachem Flourish Trace Elements 250ml | Trace Elements For The Planted Aquarium
Flourish Trace™
Trace elements supplement for the planted aquarium
Allows for more frequent dosing than a broad spectrum supplement without worrying about a build up of more slowly used components
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00139
Concentrated garlic supplement.Enhances appetite.
Increases resistance to parasites.
Also contains Vitamin C, a strong anti-oxidant
GarlicGuard™ is an all natural garlic scented odor and flavor enhancer for freshwater and saltwater fish. Our research has shown that many fis..
Brand: Seachem
This is a Vegetarian product.
It is particularly useful in hospital and receiving tanks for new fish and whenever new fish are introduced to a community tank
For use in freshwater or marine
Eradicates external fungal/bacterial/viral lesions
Paraguardtm contains no formaldehyde or methanol and wi..
Brand: Seachem
High efficiency spherical carbon
Very little impact on pH due to low ash content
Lowest leachable phosphate level on market
High removal capacity; large surface area
MatrixCarbon™ is a truly unique activated carbon. It is formed as a spherical bead for optimum hydrodynamics, and wil..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00149
Seachem Matrix - 250 ml
Provides efficient biofiltration for the removal of nitrogenous waste
Porous inorganic solid about 10 mm in diameter
Macropores sized for the support of nitrifying & denitrifying bacteria
Brand: Seachem
Rapidly removes phosphate & silicate
Ferric oxide coated aluminum oxide phosphate adsorber
High porosity and surface area give it a large binding capacity
Comparing Seachem Phosphate Removers
PO4 bound
PhosGuard (Alumina Oxide) 0.87 mg/g
PhosBond (GFO and Alumi..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU001076
Seachem Prime 250ml - New Stock
Product Description:
Prime® is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and salt water. Prime® removes chlorine, chloramine and ammonia. Prime® converts ammonia into a safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed by the tank’s biofilter. Prime®..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00140
Seachem Prime - New Stock
Product Description:
Prime® is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and salt water. Prime® removes chlorine, chloramine and ammonia. Prime® converts ammonia into a safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed by the tank’s biofilter. Prime® may be ..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU0018030
Seachem Prime - New Stock 4 Litre
Product Description:
Prime® is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and salt water. Prime® removes chlorine, chloramine and ammonia. Prime® converts ammonia into a safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed by the tank’s biofilter. Prime®..