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Brand: JBL
JBL Ferrotabs counteract the iron deficiency (ferrochlorosis) dangerous to aquarium plants and distinguished by glassy, yellowish leaves. The tabs will create rich green, healthy plant growth in the aquarium by providing the essential iron, manganese, potassium and necessary trace minerlas. As the n..
Brand: JBL
Model: SKU00296
JBL Florapol | Planted Aquarium Substrate
JBL Florapol is a ground fertilizer concentrate for aquarium plants.
JBL Florapol consists of a clay which contains a large amount of iron in a form which does not dissolve in water and also include vital trace elements. This avoids unnecessari..
Brand: JBL
Model: SKU00059
JBL Pro scape 12 X plantis pins - Planting pins Essential Planted Aquarium
JBL plantis are made from non breakable plastic, for use in fresh and sea water
Anchors all plants to the substrate without damaging growth, until roots have taken firm hold
Unbreakable plastic
Unbreakable plastic anchors a..
Brand: JBL
JBL The 7 Balls are pressed fertilizing pellets, enriched by a special process with all the nutrients vital for aquatic plants, especially iron and trace elements. The nutrients are released slowly, providing a very favourable depot effect. The ball shape permits the convenient use in existing fresh..
Base for Planted Aquarium.
Bag Contains 2 Litre of Base
Use with Marfied Contro Soil for Best results...
Brand: Ocean Free
Removes snails / juvenile snails, leeches and kills snail eggs.
Removes larvae of parasites.
Can be use as a effective anti-snail treatment for new plants purchased...
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00146
Seachem Flourish
Provides micro elements, trace elements and nutrition
* Liquid aquatic plant supplement contains a rich assortment of nutrients
* Provides micro elements and trace elements beneficial to aquatic plants
Flourishis a comprehensive plant supplement for the natural fresh..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00037
eachem Flourish Iron - Water Treatment ( 250ml)
Flourish Iron is a highly concentrated (10,000 mg/L) ferrous iron gluconate supplementit should be used in those case where the iron requirements exceed that which can be delivered
Flourish at the recommended dose or signs of iron deficiency appear (s..
Brand: Seachem
Phosphorus supplement for the planted aquarium
4500 mg/L blend of phosphorus sources
Enhance red color in plant
SEACHEM Flourish Phosphorus
Flourish Phosphorus™ is a safe solution (4500 mg/L phosphate) of potassium phosphate that takes the guess work out of phosphate dosing. Unlike competing produ..
Brand: Seachem
Gravel bed supplement for the planted aquarium
Provides micro elements, trace elements and other nutrients
Targets root zone
Flourish Tabs™ are growth stimulating tablets for plant roots. They contain essential trace elements, amino acids, and vitamins. They are rich in iron, manganese, magnes..
Brand: Seachem
Model: SKU00080
Seachem Flourish Trace Elements 250ml | Trace Elements For The Planted Aquarium
Flourish Trace™
Trace elements supplement for the planted aquarium
Allows for more frequent dosing than a broad spectrum supplement without worrying about a build up of more slowly used components
Model: SKU00030
Sunsun ADE Series LED Aquarium Top Light | Planted Tanks and Tropical Tanks.
Sunsun Presents new range of Aquarium LED Lights or Planted Tanks and Tropical Tanks.
These Aquarium LED lights are extremly good for Live planted Set up.
Gives long life and is trouble free.
ADE series of light..