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A new stem plant which will turn pale orange. This plant is found in lake Sulawesi in Indonesia and requires high light to show its vibrance.
Type: Stem
Origin: Indonesia
Growth Rate: Medium
Height: 10-20+ cm
Light Demand: High
CO2: Medium
Due to the fact that live plants are highly peris..
Rotala sp. "H'Ra" is a beautiful new plant that has its origin in Vietnam. When grown under proper condition, this plant displays a bright orange-red color. It also has slightly narrower and pointier leaves when compare toRotala sp. "Colorata".
In aquascaping, it is great to use as a focal point pl..
Rotala sp. 'Vietnam' can be used in the mid- to background of any layout, especially in those aquascapes which depend heavily on the use of stem plants. This species can form an excellent contrast to both red and green colored plants.
Type: Stem
Origin: Asia
Growth Rate: Fast
A Rotala from Wayanad whose leaves are yellowish green and pointed under extremely high light conditions and the plant has the tendency to grow horizontally along the floor of the aquarium. The leaves are much narrower compared to most other varieties of Rotalas. In nature aquarium concept, plants..
This is NOT your regular Java moss. It has a finer, softer texture and smaller size compare to Java moss. This is the most widely used moss in Nature Aquarium. It wraps around driftwood and stone extremely well. Taxiphyllum barbieri from South-East Asia is a hardy plant which makes few demands o..
The most popular aquarium moss
Can be used in many ways
Very nice on driftwood
Java moss is the most popular aquarium moss there is. It is very undemanding regarding water parameters and lighting, but looks best under strong light and a good nutrient supply. Taxiphyllum barbieri is ..
Tonina Fluviatilis is a beautiful plant from South America. It has bright green star shaped leaves viewing from the top. When planted in groups, it provides a an attractive look and can be used as a focal point. It is a plant that likes soft and acidic water.
Type: Stem
Origin: ..
otala wallichii, “Long Leaf” prefers rather soft water, good lighting, CO2 supply and regular, complete fertilization with macro and micro nutrients. Strong lighting provides the best reddish coloration of the foliage.
This very beautiful, fine-leaved Rotala was introduced with the label Rotala wal..
This species with red leaves is basically planted in the center of layout to emphasize a focal point.
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
This miniature version of the well-known Alternanthera is characterized by compact growth and a slower growth rate. It is particularly suitable fo..
The Christmas moss is a popular moss. It is often seen used on branchy driftwoods to create a BONSAI tree look. It has a triangular leaf shape and resembles a Christmas tree, hence the name.As with most mosses, it does better in water that is not too hot (78F or lower).
Type: moss..
Eleocharis Acicularis is also known as "Dwarf Hair grass" It is a popular and easy foreground plant that grows short. The grass like appearance softens the look of an aquascape, especially a scape with rocks. This plant tends to stay shorter with stronger light and taller with weaker light.
A variety of Hair Grass with short height and easy to use in small aquarium tank.
A low-growing Eleocharis that forms runners close to the parent plant. It is prettiest planted in small bunches quite close to each other, which will gradually form a solid mass of plants. An ideal foreground plant, e..